
George L. Quenby was the manager of Little Bay’s Mining Company Store. Little Bay was composed of several named areas with the two largest being The Bight and Loading Wharf. The Company Store had two locations with one located in each of those two areas.

He does not appear on the 1882 Voter’s List and first appears in my records in 1884 indicating an arrival of 1883 or 1884. He had a son named William S. who was born in 1862. There is also a girl named Fanny that I believe to be his daughter. There are a variety of spellings for this last name so I’ve sorted my references accordingly.


– Mr. Queenly traveled (DC, Sept 9, 1886)


  • “The meeting was held at Little Bay on Friday. Mr. G. Quenby presided” (TS, April 5, 1884)
  • “Mr. Geo. Quenby, (storekeeper) then read some startling statistics on Great Britain’s Expenditure for intoxicating liquor, supplemented by a piece entitled “Five shillings a week, and what came of it.”” (TS, Dec 31, 1885).
  • Signed the address to Mr. Wallace (ET, Oct 15, 1885).
  • George Quinby stayed at Knight’s Home hotel in St. John’s (DC, May 21, 1886).
  • Mr. Quenby named by Rev. Abraham as part of the Jubilee committee (ET, Aug 31, 1887).
  • “Mr. Quienby, the manager of the stores, spoke of the trouble drunkenness caused in that neighborhood, and on behalf of the suffering wives, and the poor children, he objected.” (TS, Jan 1, 1887).
  • Mr. Quenby supported “Resolutions protesting against our member’s action in re railway unanimously carried” (DC, June 2, 1887).
  • Mr. Quenby took chair at a Temperance meeting (TS, April 7, 1888). – more in article
  • Mr. Quenby took chair at a Temperance meeting (TS, March 3, 1888)
  • Young gentlemen from Little Bay on excursion to Montreal (TS, Sept 15, 1888)
  • Mr. Quenby was chairman at a Temperance meeting visited by Jessie Ohman (TS, Aug 31, 1889).
  • Mrs. and Miss Quenby travel (ET, July 18, 1889).
  • George and William Quenby are members of the Tera Nova club (ET, Jan 7, 1890)
  • S. Quenby witness at wedding (1886 Methodist marriages)


  • “Miss A. Quigley” (ET, Aug 1, 1890)
  • Death of boy Quigley by drowning. Age around 13 (TS, July 24, 1886 / ET, July 31, 1886)
  • John Quigley (RC graves 1887)


– John Quingley is on the 1889 Voter’s list


  • Travel (TS, Sept 18, 1886).
  • George Quimby – Head shopman 1887 (Wells)
  • George and William Quimby on 1889 Voter’s list. William is 26. They are not on 1882s


  • “Mr. Quinby has gone to England as buyer for the company” (TS, June 1, 1889)
  • “Mr. G. Quinby however made an excellent chairman” (TS, April 26, 1890)
  • “The accomplishments were played by Mrs. Quinby” (TS, Jan 9, 1892) – Methodist
  • W. S. Quinby and G. L. Quinby witnesses at wedding (1888 Methodist marriages)
  • Fanny Quinby marries Joseph Hustis (1887 Methodist marriages)
  • Miss Quinby travels (TS, Sept 22, 1888)

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