
Giles Foote worked as Shopman and Cashkeeper for the Mining Company Store location in The Bight. I believe he arrived in Little Bay from Tilt Cove in 1880 as the family name was present in town that year. He was voted MHA for the Twillingate district in 1894 and died at Bell Island where he worked as Sub-collector for Customs in 1914.

1879 – Giles Foote is operating a shop at Tilt Cove (Supreme Court docs)

1880 – At Little Bay Mines on January 24 Rev. A. Gunn married James F. Kentie to Mary J. Foote of Twillingate (STJNA&PO, March 13, 1880)

1882 – Henry Foote (Voter’s list)

1882 – On November 25th “A young man – son of Mr. William Foote – while skating o the ice, broke through and was drowned. The body was recovered forty-five minutes after the accident. but, not-withstanding that artificial respiration was resorted to for a considerable time by Dr. Stafford, life was found to be extinct” (ET, Dec 1, 1882 / HGS, Dec 9, 1882)

1884 – Mr. Foote along with Mr. Stewart find gold at Ming’s Bight (TS, Aug, 1884)

1884 – Annie Foot witness at wedding (Methodist marriages)

1885 – Emily Mary Foote married Robert St. John McKay (ET, Dec 23, 1885)

1885 – Mrs. Foote was president of the Fancy Fair. Miss Foote was on the committee (TS, June 13, 1885)

1885 – Dec 19 John Foot witness at court (Wells)

1886 – Miss Foote and Giles Foote had debt (Lind ledger)

1885 – Dec 21 “Mr. Foot, Shopman and Cashkeeper in the Mining Company’s Shop at The Bight” (Wells)

1886 – Dec 22 “Mr. Foot, Shopman and Cashkeeper in the Mining Company’s Shop at The Bight” (Wells)

1887 – Miss Foote was a passenger on the Plover (TS, July 30, 1887)

1887 – Giles Foote was on the Board of Road Commissioners for Little Bay (TS, Nov 5, 1887)

1887 – John Foote was a member of the Little Bay Rifle Club (ET, Oct 7, 1887 / TS, Oct 22, 1887)

1887 – Captain Giles Foot (TS, Nov 5, 1887)

1887 – Giles Foote listed on the Church of England educational board (Almanac)

1888 – Death of Mary Foote on May 9th. Daughter of Giles and Sophia Foote (ET, May 26, 1888 / TS, June 9, 1888)

1888 – The funeral for Mary Foote age 16 (TS, June 2, 1888)

1888 – M. Foote plays cricket (TS, Sept 15, 1888)

1889 – Robert Foote (Voter’s list)

1890 – April 16th death of Jane Foote age 20. Daughter of Giles and Sophia (ET, April 18, 1890 / HGS, May 6, 1890)

1891 – J. Foote traveled from Little Bay to Twillingate (TS, Aug 15, 1891)

1892 – Mr. and Mrs. Giles Foote and sons donated for Christmas (TS, 1892)

1894 – Giles and Robert Foote listed as fishermen (1894 census)

1894 – Giles Foote elected MHA for Twillingate as a Liberal (Wikipedia)

1895 – G. Foote and Robert J. Foote (Requisition to the Hon Robert Bond)

1895 – Giles Foote MHA visiting mining claims around bay (TS, Oct 5, 1895)

1895 – G. Foote gets 1248 votes (Almanac)

1896 – Giles Foote listed on Church of England Educational Board for Notre Dame Bay North (1896 Almanac)

1897 – G. Foote received 1248 votes (1897 Almanac)

1898 – Robert Foote listed as accountant. Giles Foote listed as gentleman (McAlpine’s)

1900 – “Capt. Giles Foote has been appointed to the position of superintendent of fishery wardens for the West Coast” (Western Star, June 6, 1900)

1901 – Giles Foote appointed Bell Island’s first Sub-Collector of Customs (Daily News, May 10, 1957)

1903 – “Mr. Giles Foote returned to Bell Island” (ET 1903)

1904 – Giles, William and Charles Foote listed as fishermen. Robert Foote listed as general dealer (McAlpine’s)

1904 – Jan 4th The Messrs. STEWART and FOOTE returned a short time ago from Golden Ville, Mings, where I learn; they have been very successful in gold mining. It is thought by experienced mining men who have visited there that the country in and about Ming’s may yet rival the Klondike in gold production. Pilley’s Island mine is employing about two hundred and fifty men at the present time, and the prospects there are very encouraging as they have an enormous ore bed in sight in the new workings. The only drawback there, it seems is that the employees are not paid regularly, sometimes having to wait two months for a payday.” (Free Press Vol 4.)

1906 – Giles Foote Tilt Cove land claim surveyed by Thomas Peyton (Land claim)

1908 – “Giles Foote, late Sub-Collector Bell Island. Mr. Foote became paralyzed last year and his application for retirement was acceded to He is 77 years of age” (Proceedings of the House of Assembly and Legislative Council Vol.22)

1914 – “Captain Giles Foote, well and favourably known, reached the 81st milestone yesterday, Feb 2nd. The old gentleman is still hale and hearty, and the Budget joins with his host of friends in wishing him many happy returns on his birthday” (Weekly Budget, Feb 7, 1914)

1915 – Will of Giles Foote

1921 – Death of George Foote, brother of Giles Foote at Exploits. Age 79

1997 – “Among the first of the names of the ships to appear in the parade was George Foote 1892; and to my delight I saw Tom Foote, tall and straight, carrying the ship. I thought how fitting it was that he should be visiting Grand Bank at that time. The George Foote that the ship was named for was a brother of Tom’s grandfather, John B. Foote, and a brother of the Hon. S.K. Foote, a member of the cabinet [. . .] before Confederation (NQ v91 nov2 fall 1997)

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