
The Coleman family arrived in Little Bay at some point prior to 1882. I’d guess an arrival between 1878 and 1881 as they likely followed the influx of Newfoundlanders seeking work at the mines. There they would have received training in the industry from the Presbyterian German miners already present. The Coleman family appears to consist of a group of brothers traveling with their elderly widowed mother and their families. They were Roman Catholic members of Her Lady of Carmel Parish. Their work in Little Bay switched from mining into fishing operations when mining work slowed down. They likely had their own schooner with them when they arrived from Trinity Bay. My last reference to them is from 1904 which coincides with the final shutdown of the mining operations and large scale departure of the town’s population. After departing Little Bay many of the family moved to Glace Bay, Nova Scotia following the mining work there while others relocated to Badger as paper operations started in central Newfoundland.

Coleman Little Bay references:

1882 – John Coleman located at Little Bay Mine (1882 Voter’s List)

1882 – Birth of Peter Coleman (1921 census)

1885 – Birth of Nellie Coleman (1921 census / 1929, Nov – WS)

1888 – Birth of Edward Coleman (1937, Sept 8 – WS)

1889 – Death of Miss Jane Coleman aged 76 years (1889, Jan 26 – SJC)

1889 – Peter, John Sr, and Mrs. J Coleman donated to the Harbour Grace Cathedral fund (1889, Oct 11 – SJC)

1889 – John Sr, John Jr, Bartholomew, John, Peter, and Jospeh (son of Peter) Coleman located at Indian Bight (1889 Voter’s List)

1890 – Joseph Coleman was a member of Little Bay’s Terra Nova Club for billiards and reading room (1890, Jan 7 – ET)

1891 – Birth of James Joseph Sage to Charles Sage and Annie Coleman (Civ births)

1891 – Birth of Catherine Elizabeth Coleman to Barth and Margret (Civ births)

1892 – Birth of Elizabeth Meahaney to Dennis Meahaney and Mary J. Coleman (Civ births)

1893 – Birth of Catherine Coleman to Dennis Meaney (1921 census)

1892 – Birth of Joseph Patrick Coleman to John Coleman and Mary Hynes (Civ births)

1893 – Marriage of Edward Delaney to Frances Coleman (Civ marriages)

1893 – Birth of William Coleman to Barth (Military file)

1894 – John, Barth, John Sr, and Peter Coleman listed as fishermen at Little Bay Harbour (1894 census)

1895 – Birth of John Charles Coleman to Joseph and Bridget (Civ births)

1895 – John Sr, Barth, Peter, and another Peter Coleman as well as Joseph Colman signed the requisition for the honourable Robert Bond (1895, Sept 21 – TS)

1898 – John, Peter, and Barth Coleman listed as miners at Indian Bight. Joseph Coleman listed as a teamster at Indian Bight (McAlpine’s)

1904 – John Sr, John Jr, Bartholomew, and Peter Coleman listed as fishermen at Indian Bight (McAlpine’s)

* Image included is of Sarah Coleman who was the sister of the Mary J. Coleman referenced. I can’t place her in Little Bay but her family was present so she may have been. Photo submitted by Lara McKnight who further contributed several references to the above list. 

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