
George Edward Atkins was born in Newfoundland in 1831 to parents Jospeh and Katherine (Butler) Atkins. He married Louisa Rowe in 1866. They appear to move from Fogo to Little Bay first recorded there in February of 1879. It’s unlikely they moved during the winter so the Atkins family is likely present from the town’s start that previous summer.

I assume Mr. Atkins held some rank in the mine based on a number of observations. He was there early, he held a labourer position in 1898, his daughter’s marriages, and his son’s later career.

The family left town between 1899 and 1901 moving first to Nova Scotia before venturing to the United States likely in pursuit of mining work.

Sources Found

1879, Feb – Birth of Mark William Atkins at Little Bay (Naturalization record)

1882 – George Atkins at Little Bay Bight (Voter’s list)

1885, June – Miss Atkins member of the Fancy Fair committee (TS)

1886, Dec – A young boy named Atkins reported to the police on where Mr. Power had stashed his stolen property (Wells)

1888, March – Miss Atkins sang with choir at Temperance meeting (TS)

1889 – George Atkins at Little Bay (Voter’s list)

1889, August – Miss Atkins was a bridesmaid at the Joseph and Duder wedding (ET / TS)

1889, December – Miss Atkins and a child named Mark Atkins performed at a school concert (TS)

1891, March – Miss Atkins performed at a concert (TS)

1892, September – Phoebe May Atkins married Frank William Meek. Christine Atkins witnessed (Civ marriages / TS)

1893, June – Christina Matilda Atkins married William John Osmond of Boston (Civ Mar)

1895 – George, Mark, and Heber Atkins signed for sir Robert Bond

1896 – Mark Atkins plays cricket (TS)

1898, George Atkin – labourer at Indian Bight (McAlpine’s)

1902 – Immigration to the United States

1913 – Death of George Atkins in Massachusetts

1918 – Mark Atkins moved from Nova Scotia to Massachusetts. He was a bolt and rivet maker (Naturalization record)


Sources Sought

I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got here for them so far. The birth and marriage information on George comes from MyHeritage and should be confirmed with original documents. I would, as always, welcome pictures of the family and any original material covering their time in town such as diaries or letters.

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