
Sources Found

1880, March – William Foster married Mary Ellen Austin (SJTN)

1886, November – Mr. Austin traveled by steamer (TS)

1888, September – D. Austin played cricket (TS)

1889 – Peter Austin (Voter’s list)

1891, October – Daniel Austin married Mary Ann Marcel. He is 21 years old and working as a miner at Pilley’s Island (Civ marriages)

1893 – Peter Austin (Voter’s list)

1894, Peter Austin – fisherman at Little Bay harbour (1894 census)

1894 – P. Austin is a parishioner of Her Lady of Carmel Parish

1895 – Peter Austin takes over the account of John Lamb (Lind ledger)

1895 – Peter and John Austin sign the Requisition for Robert Bond


Sources Sought

There’s a lot to be figure out here still. I’ll start by figuring out the family tree and gathering some biographical details.

I might be able to place their location after leaving Little Bay with census lists and travel documents.

What really interests me is the reference in Henry Lind’s ledger to Peter Austin taking over John Lamb’s accounts in 1895. I’d be curious to see if he took over Lamb’s operations if any remained after the Skittle Alley fire.

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