
I’ve included references to the names Alyward and Elward below. I don’t have enough to be certain if its a spelling variant or two different families. I think it’s likely the Miss Alyward/Elward referenced is a teacher based on context.


Sources Found

1883, March – The Twillingate Sun refers to Miss Alyward when she performed as Mrs. Chapman in an Irish comedy called “Ivery inch a Gintleman” at the Public Hall in March of 1883 (TS)

1884, Sept – Miss Elward travelled to Little Bay by steamer with Mrs. Eddison and Mr. Dean in Sept 1884 (TS)

1889 – Ellward, Joseph – Indian Bight, Little Bay (Voter’s list)

1891, July – John and Eliza Ann Donahue witnessed the wedding of John Hackett and Norah Aylward. She worked as a domestic servant (Vit stats)

1893, May – William Morgan married Emily Aylward. They were Catholic. It was witnessed by John Hackett (Vit stats)


Sources Sought

The next thing to do here is check genealogy sites for Joseph Alyward/Elward and see if I get lucky with any daughter’s names lining up with those referenced above.

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