
Sources Found

The name Andrews first appears in Little Bay in 1882 in Supreme Court Records. A fisherman named Henry Andrews was in debt to a trader named John Richards for $52.73.

There is a 1883 reference to a Mr. Andrews in Little Bay in the Twillingate Sun.

According to the Evening Telegram a Mr. Martin Andrews lost his boat along with all of his belongings on route to Little Bay in July 1886.

In September 1886 the Twilligate Sun reported on a J. Andrews traveling to Little Bay by steamship, he was accompanied by Mr. Quimby and Mr. Flynn.

Isabella Andrews Garland, the daughter of Captain William Henry Andrews of Port de Grave, was present in Little Bay by 1892 as recorded by the birth of her son Walter Andrews Garland. Her family appears to be with the Salvation Army by this time.

John Robert Andrews was a miner in nearby Tilt Cove in 1893 according to the recorded birth of his son.

Sought Sources

This family requires genealogical work. It’d be best to start with the genealogical websites and expand from there.

The Salvation Army connection could be compared to other conversions after I get the timeline for that denomination updated. Should provide some more context.

J. Andrews travelling companions in Sept ’86 are interesting. High ranking friends for a fisherman. Could hint at another career.

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