
There are two Bennetts of note to historic Little Bay. There is C.F. Bennett who is involved in setting up the northern mining region, owns the S.S. Hercules which services the region from St. John’s, and owns the Billards table in the public hall. The other is a miner named James Bennett who arrives from Fogo and is present from 1879 until at least 1917. He was Salvation Army. This is confirmed by his son’s military records.

Sources Found
1879 – Birth of Emma Jane Bennett to James and Elizabeth (Vital Stats, 1753-1893)

1886 – Benson vs Bennett (TS, Sept 25, 1886 / SC docs)
1886 – Mr. Bennett (TS)
1886 – William Bennett DOB (1921 census)
1886 – James Bennett – labourer (SC docs)

1891 – James Bennett – widower marries Sarah J. Purchase both of Frys Beach. Witness Julia Hackett and Thomas Moores (Meth marriages)

1892 – Billards table for sale owned by Bennett and Co. (Morning dispatch)

1893 – Jessie Bennetts born to Thomas (miner) and Mary Jane (Civ births)

1898 – Jams Bennett is a fisherman at Fry’s Beach (McAlpine)

1917 – Arthur Bennett (son of James) joins [[WW1]]. He lists his residence as Little Bay (Military files –

1919 – Arthur returned to Little Bay where his parents lived. He gave his religion as Salvation Army (Military files)

Sources Sought

I should check for a connection between the two men but even lacking one I think C.F. offers a story to tell giving the place larger context. I should look for evidence of him visiting the town and any public connections to the bigger local players at that time.

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