
Dr. Henry Eales

I’ll warn you that this article includes an image that’s more than a tad racist. I’ve put it at the bottom. I’m hoping that your journey through this article will put its inclusion in context.I didn’t plan to write this one. I was looking for informa ...


Little Bay Mine cave-in

I was recently asked to put together signage for a Little Bay walking trail. Unsurprisingly, one of those signs was requested to cover the cave-in. If you’ve ever been to Little Bay you know the town hosts a sizeable hole in the ground from a fairly ...


The rum-runners McLean: a Christmas story

“Oh Wells, you are a hard man! The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have their nests, but you hath not a friend anywhere. Wells, your name is a terror to me.” - Mary McLeanIn tonight’s tale I will tell you about the exploits of Michael and ...


Betts Cove

Betts Cove was Little Bay's sister town as they were both founded by the same German Baron. They, along with Ellershouse in Nova Scotia, are the only communities I know to have been created by Baron Franz von Ellershausen. What follows is a timeline ...

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Notre Dame Masonic Lodge

The Notre Dame Masonic Lodge was once located in Little Bay. In 1950 the last meeting was held there before it was relocated to Springdale. The Lodge in Little Bay held balls and banquets. Its membership travelled to nearby towns for concerts and hos ...

Magistrate Blandford

I’d like to introduce you to somebody. His name was John Bennett Blandford. He was an Englishman who served as Little Bay’s first Magistrate and he was responsible for the largest public event in the town’s history. Newfoundland was a British co ...

St. Patrick Bell

A Bell Named St. Patrick

Culture is made physical by the things we create. There is nothing quite like the history of an object.  Artifacts connect us to a history that we can touch, see, and hear. Much of Little Bay’s physical history was lost to the fires but some historic ...


Eliza Blandford

All that remains of the people I cover are scattered references. What follows is an attempt to use a few documents to tell a story and in so doing catch a glimpse of a person’s life. In this case the task is made more difficult by historical patriar ...


The Little Bay Pioneers

If you’ve ever seen the film The Grand Seduction you’ve probably wondered about historical Newfoundland cricket. I’ve been doing a little digging on it myself and as it turns out it was kind of a big deal! Cricket was the most popular sport in Newf ...


Admiral Kennedy’s Visit

The following is an excerpt from Admiral Kennedy's 1885 text "Sport, Travel, and Adventure in Newfoundland and the West Indies" in which he recounts his visit to Little Bay in 1881. Soon after we had anchored, the " oldest in- habitant" came on boa ...