Foote, Hacker, Melephant, and Quenby

I’ve been working on family names associated with the mine’s management but I’ve been having trouble tracking down any photographs. I’m hoping you can help. Below you’ll find links for four names. On those pages I’ve written brief summaries and listed the sources I’ve got for them. I hope it helps a fellow researcher. If you’re working on any of these genealogies and have more you might help me back. I’d like to find images for these men but such things are hit and miss. It usually comes down to a descendant coming across my work on their ancestor so here we are. Sometimes I get lucky and the more prominent figures have had their portraits published somewhere but I’ve had no luck with these gentlemen. I’m particularly surprised at the complete lack of photographic evidence for Giles Foote as he was a well documented politician in his day and lived into the early 20th century. Perhaps this tempts one of you sleuthier researchers to show me up by finding one. Thank you and good luck!

Giles Foote – Shopman and Cashkeeper

Franz Hacker – Civil Engineer for the Machinist Department

William Melephant – Foreman of the Smelting Works

George Quinby – Manager of the Mining Company Store

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