
According to Milt Anstey the Inders are first present at Back Harbour, Twillingate North Island and spread out to Green Bay, Botwood, and Greenspond-Gambo from there. The family is represented in Little Bay by James (1849-1908). James likely travelled from Mill Island seeking work in the mine. This is supported by James’ son William later working as a miner at Tilt Cove. His 1894 listing as a fisherman is found at a time when many of Little Bay’s miners had switched into fishing due to mining showing decreased production. James’ first wife is listed as Catherine Boyd. The first record of them in Little Bay points to 1883 as their arrival date. James is first found living at Loading Wharf but moves from that part of Little Bay between 1895 and 1898. They are next found in the area at Little Ward’s Harbour and this coincides with the peak population of that area of Little Bay around this time. Little Ward’s Harbour showed a population of 179 in 1901 before rapidly decreasing in size. James Inder’s family leaves the area during the opening years of the 20th century afterward appearing at Tilt Cove, Point Leamington, Northern Arm, and Boston.


  • 1882 – Job Inder is present at Mill Island, Hall’s Bay (Voter’s List)
  • 1883 – Birth of George Inder at Little Bay (1945 census)
  • 1884 – Birth of George Inder at Little Bay (1921 census)
  • 1889 – James Inder is present at Loading Wharf, Little Bay (Voter’s List)
  • 1891 – Birth of Walter Inder at Little Bay (MyHeritage)
  • 1894 – James Inder is listed as a fisherman living at Loading Wharf
  • 1895 – James, Edward, and Fredrick Inder are among the names listed on the Requisition to Hon Robert Bond for Little Bay and vicinity (NL GenWeb)
  • 1898 – Absent from recording (McAlpine)
  • 1903 – William Henry Inder’s occupation listed as miner at Tilt Cove

Accompanying photo of James and Catherine (Boyd) Inder submitted by Tyler Canning

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