
Rapter is an odd one. I have one singular reference to the name in Little Bay found in the Twillingate Sun from March of 1882. It lists Rapter, Esq, as manager of the mine among those of note found in audience during the first performance of Little Bay’s Choral Society. I’d previous thought that the Mine Manager’s job had gone directly to EC Wallace from Adolph Guzman but it appears Mr. Rapter held the post briefly in between. Wallace was certainly in town already as my earliest reference to him there comes from October of 1881 but I don’t have record of him explicitly referred to as the mine’s manager until December of 1882.

I’ve yet to find any other reference to Mr. Rapter and lack even a first name. He is absent from the 1882 voter’s list for the town. Rapter is certainly not a common Newfoundland surname and the only other reference to it connected to the island I can find is from New York in the 1930s in which a man named Rapter cites his 1888 birthplace as Newfoundland.

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