
Foote, Hacker, Melephant, and Quenby

I’ve been working on family names associated with the mine’s management but I’ve been having trouble tracking down any photographs. I’m hoping you can help. Below you’ll find links for four names. On those pages I’ve written brief summaries and liste ...



Giles Foote worked as Shopman and Cashkeeper for the Mining Company Store location in The Bight. I believe he arrived in Little Bay from Tilt Cove in 1880 as the family name was present in town that year. He was voted MHA for the Twillingate district ...


Mine Manager E.C. Wallace

Little Bay was a prosperous and cosmopolitan town in the 19th century. It was unusual for its time and place. However, while there was variety in its resident’s nationalities and a mixture of languages could be heard spoken on its streets, the popula ...


Baron Franz von Ellershausen

The Baron drew me in. I’d started researching my mother’s hometown of Little Bay while working on her genealogy. Growing up I’d often heard it said there that the town had once been one of the biggest on the island but the true scale of the history ...