
Spelling variations found: Young, Younge, Youngs, Younges

I’m posting what I’ve got on the Young family in Little Bay to aid with finding the first name for a Mr. Young that died in Little Bay Mines in 1879. I’m hoping someone doing more extensive genealogical work on this bunch could benefit from the references I’ve put together below.

According to information submitted to the Springdale Heritage Centre by Jo-Ann (Whitehorn) Vincent the Young family found in the area came originally from England. Her information traces the family back to John and Katherine (Ford) Young who moved to Springdale from Ward’s Harbour with their children Alick, Samson, Robert, Esther, Sarah, and Mathilda in the early 1920s.

I found some of those names in Little Bay by the 1890s but the family is present earlier. My first reference to Young in Little Bay is from 1878, the first year of the town. I suspect the first members referenced there arrived as a family unit so John Young is likely related to the Robert Young and Richard Young found referenced from 1878 and 1882 respectively but I’ve yet to confirm this. If so it’s likely they came to the northern mining region from Bay Roberts when mining took off. This conclusion is based on a 1879 reference which gives that place as the home of a Mr. Young who died in the mine that year. Again, this is assuming they are all one family. I’d also hazard a guess that they would have been working under the Germans prior to Little Bay’s start just based on their early arrival in which case they could yet be found working at Betts Cove in the mid 1870s but I lack sources to confirm this.

I’d welcome help from anyone doing genealogical work on this family. I’ve got a hunch that the unnamed Mr. Young could be one of this original set of men who are possibly brothers or cousins traveling together from Bay Roberts for mining work. If I’m right it gives us a chance of at least suggesting a probable candidate for the unnamed miner.

I should note that two men named Richard Young appear in town at the same time and based on the 1882 references the two did not live in the same area of town which may winkle my working theory that these men are all related. There could yet be two different Young families presented here.

I’ll add that this family may offer us another Little Bay WWI vet. Lloyd Young, who enlisted in 1917 from Springdale, was the son of Elias and Elias certainly worked in Little Bay. The issue I’m having here is that my last reference to Elias in town comes from 1894 and Lloyd isn’t born until 1896 so I can’t yet say with certainty that Lloyd lived in Little Bay. My last record for the family in town comes from 1904. They likely moved at this time due to the closing of Little Bay mine with many of the family remaining in the area with descendants represented later in both Springdale and Beachside.


  • 1878, Nov – Marriage of Robert Young to Phoebe Colbourne (Vit stats)
  • 1879, May – Death of Phoebe Young at Indian Bight (Vit stats)
  • 1879, June – Man named Young from Bay Roberts died in the mine leaving a wife and three children (CH)
  • 1882 – Richard living at Little Bay Mines while Robert and another Richard lived in Indian Bight (Voter’s list)
  • 1884 – Marriage of Frederick Youngs to Marry Locke (Meth marriages)
  • 1885 – Frederick Young was working as a fisherman when he owed debt to Johnathon Benson who operated the Provisional Store (Supreme Court docs)
  • 1888, Nov – Mr. Young was a witness in the case of Sutton vs Kennedy (Wells)
  • 1889, May – Deaths of Mary Youngs age 39 years and Henrietta Youngs age 10 months. Henrietta is the daughter of Frederick Young and the widow Fanny Locke (Civ deaths)
  • 1889, Oct – Edward, Richard, and Mrs. Young donated to the Harbour Grace Cathedral Fund (SJC)
  • 1889 – Frederich and Richard living at Little Bay Harbour (Voter’s list)
  • 1890 – Frederick Young signed the petition for the public wharf (Doc signatures)
  • 1891 – Edward and R. Young listed as parishioners in the RC church (Doc signatures)
  • 1891, Nov – John Chesley Young born to Robert and Susanna. He worked as a miner (Civ births)
  • 1891, Nov – Edward Young was a witness at the wedding of Thomas White and Louisa Richards (Civ marriages)
  • 1892, July – Gertrude Young born to Fredrick Young and Fanny Locke. He worked as a fisherman (Civ births)
  • 1892, Nov – James Young born to Fredrick Young and Bessie England (Civ births)
  • 1893 – Frederick, John, Elias, and A.F. living at Little Bay Harbour (Voter’s list)
  • 1894, Jan – Frederick Young married Bithiah England. He was working as a labourer (Civ marriages)
  • 1894, Dec – Elias Young married Rebecca Burt in Little Bay. The couple was living at Wolf Cove where he worked as a lumberman (Civ marriages)
  • 1894 – Frederick, John, Elias, and A.F. Young working as fishermen in Little Bay Harbour (McAlpine’s)
  • 1898 – Frederick worked as a miner in Indian Bight while Samson, Alexander, and John worked as fishermen in North Side (McAlpine’s)
  • 1904 – Frederick worked as a fisherman in Indian Bight while Samson, Alexander, Archibald, and John worked as fishermen in North Side (McAlpine’s)
  • 1917 – Lloyd Young son of Elias living in Springdale at time of enlistment (Military records)
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